We Need Your Help


About ten months ago my newly founded production company was looking for its first production. We thought for sure that the project we chose would have something to do with our main focus: Living History. The TV series I wrote was the reason that we had all come together, but the time didn’t seem right to launch our show. We didn’t have the resources or the connections necessary to build and maintain a thirteen episode season.

Earlier that summer I had written a prequel to the series called Finding our Founders. Naturally we thought this might be our first project. We found that we couldn’t raise the $125,000 necessary to shoot it. We didn’t want to go back and try to shoot a short film because that would have felt like a step back. What we wanted to do was a feature length project that embodied who we were as a business as well as something that we were passionate about.

We looked realistically at what we could do with the limited gear and personnel we had available. My thoughts kept coming back to a sport that my mother and sister had been involved in for a couple of years called flyball. I came up with some basic ideas that I liked and I pitched them to the rest of the team. We agreed that we should give this project a try and showed up for a tournament later that year.

The project we developed is called This is Flyball. We’ve been working on it since November of last year. It’s been an extremely low budget film, but we haven’t sacrificed any of our core beliefs in shooting it this way. We’ve been able to use a small crew and get by with what we have. Aside from a few longer trips we’ve managed to keep everything pretty close to home until now.

In October, the CanAm Nationals will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. It’s the culmination of a year’s work for most teams. We will be following three teams to Indianapolis and focusing on them for the duration of the three day tournament. This trip is vital to the success of our project and we need your help to get us there. We set up a GoFundMe campaign to pay for expenses and I’d appreciate it if you checked it out, shared it with your friends and made a donation. This is our first major project and I know with the help of people like you we can make it a successful one.

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